Business [Gabriel st. Germain] eCom Blueprint 2.0


What You Will Learn:
  • How to select a proven product to build a one-product brand around
  • How to create a high-converting store using a simple but effective template
  • How to kickstart your sales and gather data using cost-effective influencer ads
  • How to launch a product with Facebook ads and generate sales consistently
  • How to scale to $5000/day in profitable ad spend with Facebook ads
  • How to make attention-grabbing video ads that convert sales
  • How to effectively automate order fulfillment & lower costs with an agent
  • How to structure your customer service team with virtual assistants
  • How to develop the winning mindset you need in order to succeed
  • Includes two "reveal-it-all" case studies ($1 million in 5 months, and $300k in 2 months)
More Reasons to Join:
  • 60 lessons, 10 hours of video content, & free updates for important changes
  • Get access to a very active private Facebook group with myself and other course members
  • Get the contact information for my dropshipping agent to reduce your product costs & shipping times
  • You understand the dropshipping model and know how to set up a simple store with Shopify
  • You understand the basics of Facebook ads (setting up your ad account, creating a campaign, etc.)
  • You’ve watched my free course playlist on YouTube already, and you want to take things to the next level


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